Woodworking Websites
Total Votes 60
http://www.taunton.com Thumb
Fine Woodworking Magazine - skill building
Refinishing Furniture: Step Five--Rub Out the Finish by Peter Gedrys Take your finish to the next level with the often-skipped rubbing-out process....  Read more & Rate
Total Votes 91
http://www.woodworking.com Thumb
Woodworking.com - The web's woodworking supersite
Woodworking articles, plans, links, forums and events provided by Woodworking.com. ... Welcome to the web's woodworking superstore - woodworking.com. We are your one stop for all your ......  Read more & Rate
Total Votes 76
http://www.woodworking.org Thumb
Woodworking at the WWA
Contains magazine, forum, games, plans, chat, and member sites....  Read more & Rate
Total Votes 71
http://www.dewalt.com Thumb
DEWALT Woodworking
Your Ultimate Woodworking Resource: New product info, tips and answers from woodworking experts ... THIS MONTH'S FEATURE... 16 Ways to Save Money Buying Wood By WOOD Magazine Combat high lumber...  Read more & Rate
Candidate Woodworking
Candidate sites are websites that have been submitted to Finest4.com but have not yet been reviewed by an editor. Browse Candidate Sites for Woodworking.
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